
Department of Chemistry

Year of Establishment

Year of Establishment

Courses Offered

Names of Programmes / Courses Offered

Chemistry Major, Minor, Honours, Pass

Head of Department

Head of Department
Dr. B. M. Daas

Intake Capacity

Intake Capacity


About Department

About Department

Netaji Subhash Mahavidyalaya, Udaipur, established in 1979 and the Chemistry department was established in 1997. The department has a capacity of 39 seats for Chemistry Major students and caters to the students of the Gomati district and its nearby district of Shipahijala. The department is on the first floor of the Physical Science building. The social media profile of this department is in Facebook in the name of Netaji Subhas Mahavidyalaya Chemunion where alumni of the department can be in touch with each other and also the department faculty members. The departmental email id is nsmudp.chemistry@gmail.com.


SL. No. Name Photo Designation Qualification Area of Interest Email Profile
1 Dr. B. M. Daas Assistant Professor M.Sc., P.G.D.H.E., B.Ed., M.B.A., Ph.D. Organic Chemistry


2 Sri. D. R. Chowdhury Assistant Professor M.Sc. Physical Chemistry



Updated Reports of Departmental Activity

Updated Reports of Departmental Activity

The Chemistry department was established in 1997; the major course started in 2005. The department has a capacity of 50 seats for Chemistry Major students and caters to the students of the Gomati district and its nearby Shipahijala district. The social media profile of this department is in Facebook in the name of Netaji Subhash Mahavidyalaya Chemunion where alumni of the department can be in touch with each other and also the department faculty members. The departmental email id is nsmudp.chemistry@gmail.com. Two Guest lecturers are also appointed. Dr.B. M. Daas is from Physical Chemistry specialization while Sri. D. R. Chowdhury is from Organic Chemistry specialization. Dr. B. M. Daas is the Student Placement Cell Coordinator and GeM buyer while Sri. D. R. Chowdhury is the IQAC Coordinator.

Laboratory Assistant: Sri. Sasanka Debbarma

Seminars, Conferences, Workshops, Talks

Seminars, Conferences, Workshops, Talks
  1. “National Seminar on Recent Advances in Natural Products Chemistry for Drug Discovery” on November 28-29, 2015. (Link)
  2. “Online Workshop on IPR Issues” on September 26-27, 2021. Dr. B. M. Daas was the Convener of the programme.
  3. “Laboratory Safety Measures” on December 2021.Dr. B. M. Daas was the Resource person.
    “One day Seminar on Recent Advances in Physical Sciences” on December 30, 2021. Dr. B. M. Daas was the Joint Convener of the programme.
  4. “One day Online Awareness Programme on IPR Issues” on April 06, 2022. Dr. B. M. Daas was the Convener of the programme.
  5. “Two Day Programme on Women Empowerment” on 08 & 09. 11.2022. Dr. B. M. Daas was the Convener of the programme.
  6. “Invited talk’ on 09.11.2023. Mr. Suman Bhoumik, Researcher from University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering, USA was the speaker.



Research: All faculty members are involved in active research. Dr. B. M. Daashas published good number of papers in reputed international journals and reviewed many of papers for reputed international journals. Dr. B. M. Daas has completed one research project.

National award: Dr. B. M. Daas is a national awardee for innovative teaching. He received "Teacher Innovation Award - 2019-20" awarded by the then Hon'ble Minister of Human Resource Development 'Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank'.

Patent: Dr. B. M. Daas has a design patented to his credit - “Design No. 320743-001” in Indian Patent Office Journal No. 40/2019 Dt. 04/10/2019. (link)

Books: Dr. B. M. Daas has two books to his credit.

Educational videos: The department has also uploaded some syllabus-oriented Chemistry educational videos in the YouTube for the benefit of the students at large:

  1. Link 1
  2. Link 2
  3. Link 3
  4. Link 4
  5. Link 5
  6. Link 6
  7. Link 7
  8. Link 8
  9. Link 9
  10. Link 10
  11. Link 11
  12. Link 12
  13. Link 13



Chemistry syllabus:

  1. Tripura University Chemistry (Major): (Link)
  2. Tripura University Chemistry (Minor): (Link)
  3. Tripura University Chemistry (Interdisciplinary): (Link)
  4. Tripura University Entrance Test (TUET): 
    1. The syllabus for the TUET shall be the same as the syllabus for UG Course Curriculum or Tripura University Undergraduate Syllabus for the corresponding program, covering all the papers in the Honours Courses of the subject wherever applicable. (Link)


Career-oriented examination syllabi:

  1. National Eligibility Test (NET) Chemical Science: (Link)
  2. Combined Defence Services (CDS): (Link)
  3. Tripura - Teacher Eligibility Test (T-TET): (Link)
  4. Tripura - Selection Test for Post Graduate Teachers (STPGT) - Chemistry: (Link)
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